Where can I watch HIGH QUALITY Evil Dead Rise online for free?
through the treacherous path to adulthood, we all set personal goals to ourselves in order to prove that we can be self-reliant in regards to our growth as human beings. They can be huge projects, such as studying the entire Emile Zola's Rougon-Macquart Cycle in order to comprehend the last half of nineteenth century French social history. Or they can be more small in scope, such as the case of my study, when I placed a lot of effort and energy looking for the uncut version of Sam Rimi's 1981 splat-tacular The Evil Dead.
As a child, I owned (and was awed by) the 4 Front Video release of the film that was subject to many cuts because of an over-reaction to the BBFC's widely-publicised moral panic over"Video Nasties. " Evil Dead Rise movie . My memories of the damaged film remains vivid and nostalgic, and I remember feeling that whoever made the cuts had done so in a manner that the viewer could tell that something juicy had just removed. Like, the audio would suddenly go out of time and the continuity would stall for a split second. I would want more than anything else to find out what was between the cuts. I was a kid variant of "Sicko" meme. Perhaps I am still?
I would love to think that director-writer Lee Cronin shared this experience however even in the event that he did not It is clear from his latest movie Evil Dead Rise that he has been studying the work of Raimi on that same molecular level. It's declasse to describe this film as an "franchise extension" or an "reboot" or even a late "sequel" since this film is more an investigation or reconstruction or a reworking that of Raimi's original. The same story, as presented from a new, modern angle. It absolutely kills...

If there's one thing the Evil Dead has taught us, it's that we must do everything in our power to avoid intoning a mystical demonic incantation in the presence of the flesh-bound/blood-inked Book of the Dead, as very bad things will ensue. In this case, Alyssa Sutherland's single-mom tattooist Elle is about to move out of her old apartment building with her three kids. A shake reveals an old, dusty basement vault inside which, wrapped in a paper and placed inside a bug-infested tomb is a familiar face.
Cronin manages to keep the set-up in the perfect balance, setting out the fragile family dynamics while also introducing the wild-card element of the estranged daughter of Elle Beth (Lily Sullivan) as well as leaving the viewer to wonder which sister will be the Ash of the movie. This easy but highly effective groundwork does so much to support the second-half gore explosion , which is accompanied by a hint of pathos, and I'll admit there's a simple shot which comes immediately after one of the more visceral effects blow-outs that near caused me to cry in my eye.
Although there is a touching homage element to this film Cronin isn't merely attempting to replicate the hysterical dynamism and acrobatic camera movements that Raimi made his trademark. The dispatching of victims is done with the same attention to detail and a desire to make each body a new canvas for some horrific mutilation or some other. In tone, Evil Dead Rise is more like the first Evil Dead, in that it doesn't opt for the slapstick wig-outs of the sequel and the third film however its absurd humour shines through in just how relentlessly OTT everything is.
The only real criticism here is the unnecessary and tacked-on epilogue and prologue that feel like they've been added in order to create the foundation for a sequel, but I guess it's a case of Cronin being a one of those who has been a victim to his success. In any case, it delivers the euphoric and cleansing hit of allowing a blood tsunami to wash over you. And it doesn't make you want to revisit the original film to discover what could have been, rather, it's a way to test the depth and accuracy of what Cronin and his team has accomplished. It's like seeing the full glory of the uncut initial version of the film for the first and I can't be more complimentary than that.
The latest installment in the Evil Dead saga is definitely an all-family affair however, unless the Necronomicon is eliminated once and for all it won't be a lot of families left. Fandango has premiered a new Evil Dead Rise clip featuring Alyssa Sutherland's Ellie shortly after she falls victim to the book's curse , and turns into a murderous Deadite. You can check out the scene on Twitter here.
The video shows Ellie's younger sister, Beth (Lily Sullivan) seeing her sister in the kitchen. She's cooking a meal that's not very nutritious by smashing a variety of eggs into a frying pan, shells and all. And if that's not enough to bring Beth and her three children see that there's something wrong, the message becomes instantly clear when Ellie describes her dream of a perfect family gathering. It's more violent than the typical walk through the woods and her slurred speech makes the experience even more frightening.